SAN ANGELO, TX - The countdown to San Angelo's first ever comic convention has begun--22 more days to be exact. However, for fans of gaming, super heroes and comics, this Saturday the Tom Green County Library and Friends of the Library are holding an event with similar play-time to get things revved up.
Wanda Green, assistant director of the Tom Green County Library System, said, "We are thrilled to bring back the 2nd Annual Table Top Convention. Last year's event was extremely successful; we expected 100 and we had 400 people show up. This year, we are doing it at the McNease Convention Center, 500 Rio Concho Drive. Sponsored by the Library program and Friends of the Library, this year's festivities will start Friday at noon, going on until midnight, and then Saturday starting from 10 a.m. until midnight."

For those unfamiliar, Table Top Con is comprised of games, games, and more games, with fantasy role play, and a variety of things out of the ordinary.
Green said, "We will be having all kinds of geeky/nerdy events, including some people coming in that are kind of big names in the board gaming world. Dan King, a.k.a. Game Boy Geek, Hunter and Rebecca Thomason of Family Showdown and Dice Tower Blender, and Heavy Card Board ( a board game podcast that started in 2014 and focuses on the heavier side of board games)."

Green added, "One of the most popular things we had last year was our Cosplay panel and contest. We have some Cosplayers coming in from San Antonio who are also into make-up artistry and costume creation, plus a voice actress who creates voice overs for video games and Anime characters. There will also be a Cosplay contest where prizes will be awarded."
Level Up Gaming Center will be at the Con Friday setting up video games, and several companies have donated games for their play-to-win area.
"The library is also going to be doing a raffle for some really cool games," said Green. "Our game store will be out there again this year running events and selling games."
Amtgard, a live action role play crew will be doing Medieval role play with the foam swords in a sectioned off arena, and The Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) will also be there.
Green said, "Taking it one step further, we will also have the Iron Clad Tournament Company, who are more historically accurate actors, dressed in full knight metal work [and] use techniques used in that time period."
Fights and demonstrations will be all day on both convention days.

This event is free, and there will be people who can demo and teach participants if they find a game interesting, but may not know how to play, said Green.
"There will be stations with signs saying, 'Players Wanted,' so everyone will feel welcome to participate," Green added. "Some attend dressed as their favorite characters, and it's amazing 'people watching,' but you don't have to come in costume."
There will also be a kids craft area on Saturday where youngsters can create anything from Harry Potter Wands, Mine Craft tokens, PokeBall to Fun Catchers.

Green concluded, "We have the same policy the library has in the building; participants under 11 years of age need to be accompanied by an adult, and as far as 'pets,' only service animals will be permitted at the venue."
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