Goodfellow Triathlon Encourages Fun and Fitness


Tomorrow, July 30, the San Angelo Road Lizards will hold a Triathlon hosted by the Goodfellow Recreation Camp at Lake Nasworthy. Late registration will take place on site up until 7:30 a.m., and the public is welcome to participate.  

Yantis Green, spokesperson for the event, and member of the SARL said, "Our organization has been around for over 30 years, and we try to have 17 events per year: most of them road races, running 5 and 10K, [and] two of them triathlons." 

photo courtesy SARL

Green added that Saturday's event will start off with a swim starting at the boat dock, 200 meters out and back, followed by a 12-mile bicycle ride. It will end with a short run.

photo courtesy SARL

"Triathlons are an Olympic sport where the world championships are held in Kona Hawaii each year in October," said Green.

The triathlon start time is 8 a.m. and finish times will vary, said Green.

"We've got some guys [who] are pretty fast, and they'll be finished in under an hour; but then you have others, like me, who might take two hours," he added.

Many of the participants who come from Goodfellow will include Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors and Marines.

"The triathlon helps promote physical fitness among military members. We are also fortunate to have the assistance of the SAPD, Sheriff's Department, and REACT for our roadwork and traffic control," Green noted.

(U.S. Air Force photo/ Airman 1st Class Breonna Veal)

Green explained that after the event, participants are able to re-group.

"We'll have award ceremonies with prizes, and then hot dogs and hamburgers will be served," he said. "All ages are welcome, and it's just a good way to get out and have some fun while getting some exercise."

Despite some of the headlines that negatively portray running, Green said, "As long as you have some good running shoes and take things in moderation, it's a good cardio-vascular work out."

He added, "If you miss this event, check out the website [here] and our Facebook page for upcoming runs." 

For tomorrow's agenda details, go to….

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