San Angelo Native Cody Broadway previously announced his new project of directing a documentary about the Texas School for the Deaf Rangers football team in Austin. Yesterday, the trailer for the documentary was released (see trailer below), and Broadway had a few things to say about it and about his road to success.
Why Broadway Chose This Project
Broadway said he chose this project because the thought of this school bringing hundreds of deaf children together from around Texas and the U.S. for a chance at a better education was interesting in itself.
“Once I looked deeper and discovered their athletic program, I was really inspired by students overcoming their disability and competing in the sports most of us all love,” he explained. “No matter if you can hear or you can’t, love is its own language.”
Broadway said he hopes people who watch this documentary will walk away feeling better about life.
“I hope people have a better understanding about the deaf community,” he stated. “They are people and they need a voice. I hope this project helps with that. [They’re] telling a story that should have been told years back. This is part of my motto of everyone coming together to help make this world a better place. I hope this brings people closer together.”

Personally, Broadway said he has had a bit of a learning curve throughout this project.
“I love challenging myself with projects, and this has definitely done that,” he noted. “Communication is key in anything you do, and honestly, this has really helped with my communication skills. I have worked with great interpreters so far on this project to help bridge that gap.”
As far as how this project will impact his career, Broadway said he’s not sure yet.
He said, “I was blessed to come across this project, and [I’m] not sure where it will take me. I am forever thankful for all the attention it has received so far, and hope it continues because this is a story that needs to be told. My next goal in my career is Sundance or SXSW. Hopefully, this is the one.”
Moving in the Right Direction
Broadway, 27, attended Grape Creek High School, and said he has two younger brothers and one younger sister who is currently a junior at GCHS.
“We all grew up playing sports: baseball, basketball and football,” Broadway said. “I’m the oldest and feel like I need to lead by example. They all look up to me, and I want them all to be successful with whatever they choose to do in life.”
Broadway said his mother, with the help of his grandparents, raised him right.

“Our father left when we were young, so we looked up to our grandfather as a father figure,” noted Broadway. “He’s worked very hard his whole life and continues to today. He’s my role model when it comes to being a man [and] doing what you can to provide for the ones you love.”
Broadway said being creative has always been a passion for him.
“Growing up, I didn’t know anyone else my age who was into making movies and such,” he explained. “So I did a lot of editing, shooting and directing on my own. It was an escape for me. A place where I can use my imagination and there was no right or wrong.”
Broadway also said he knew what he wanted to do in life right after high school. He wanted to inspire people through the gift he was blessed with.
“I went to film school at New York Film Academy in New York City to purse that dream,” he said.
The Challenges of the Film Industry
Broadway said being in the film business isn’t easy at all.
“It would be great for someone to give you X amount of money to make a film of your choice, but the truth is you have to prove yourself,” he said.
Broadway said proving himself in the industry means staying up until 4 a.m. in the morning editing something he’s passionate about, or driving/flying miles away just to shoot something.
He said, “There are those moments of doubt that sink in [when I’m] wondering if this is all worth the time, money and all the work. I still have those moments, but I know I need to continue to grind even harder.”
Hometown Response
Broadway said he’s had such great feedback from the people of San Angelo.
“My family has always backed me, and it’s great when teachers and friends reach out to me and remember me from school,” he said. “With filmmaking being such a global thing, it means the world to me to have my hometown backing me in everything I do.”
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