The 16th Annual TLC Easterfest Exceeds Expectations


Yesterday kicked off the 16th Annual The Life Church's Easterfest at the Texas Bank Sports Complex in San Angelo Texas. Previously, Kat Rowoldt, TLC's Easterfest Coordinator said Easterfest brought out 15,000 attendees last year, and TLC members were hoping for a turnout of 20,000 this year. They may have gotten their wish.

Debbie Cross, a volunteer coordinator of the event, said," It's hard to get an accurate count but this one looked a lot bigger than last year. The parking lots were full this time." 

Easterfest Celebration (LIVE! Photo/Holiday Bailey)

Because of the increase, Cross also said she was "very thankful to have between 400 to 500 volunteers helping with the event this year."

Amongst the seven egg-filled fields, the "Special Needs field" participants were perhaps the most excited as they watched the helicopter drop candy, and for the director to signal "go." Although this is the fourth year Tonya Nobles and her son Elijah have attended this event, she said it was the first year he was able to actually participate.  

Easterfest Celebration (LIVE! Photo/Holiday Bailey)

"When he was born, we were told he would probably never be able to walk or crawl; but now he is able to walk enough to do this," Nobles said. "The event has become a family tradition." Nobles added that this year her daughter Elizabeth, 23 months, also picked up eggs.

Kevin Antoine, who lives in Houston, said, "I heard of Easterfest through a friend, and drove up here for the event." Antoine attended Easterfest with his sister, 4-year-old Ava, and two nephews, Kiyah, 1, and Kamiorn, 2, and said he is "looking forward to coming back next year as well."

Easterfest Celebration (LIVE! Photo/Holiday Bailey)

Steven Collins, a San Angelo resident, said he also heard about the event through some friends and it was his first time to attend. Six-year-old Conner Collins, who is a student at Wall Elementary, and his sister Coryn, 2, held tight to their father's hands, as it was their first time as well.

Ramona Crawley brought her Grandson Nathaniel, 6. She said, "We come every year. Nate had a tummy ache earlier, but had a lot of fun jumping in the bounce houses and visiting with friend he hasn't seen in while."

Easterfest Celebration (LIVE! Photo/Holiday Bailey)

Jose Mendoza, of San Angelo, said his family came last year, and, today, he was with his siblings Carlos Perez, 2, and sister Viriviana Garcia, 5. With a big smile on his face, Carlos danced to the music over the intercom, entertaining family members who laughed and clapped.  
All in all, the massive crowd, were entertained, fed, and received prayer along with numerous prizes, free of charge, all thanks to The Life Church of San Angelo and their many sponsors and volunteers. The invitation was extended for those interested; all are welcome to attend TLC's worship service on Easter Sunday at 3301 TLC Way, off Loop 306 and Glenna (The old Barrys building). Service times are 9:15 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Easterfest Celebration (LIVE! Photo/Holiday Bailey)

For more information on the Easterfest and TLC, call (325) 224-2900, or find them online at and Facebook at "The Life Church."

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