LIVE! Featured Artist: Kirk Whipple


“When words fail, music speaks.” San Angelo musician Kirk Whipple has this tattooed on his arm, and it is a phrase he lives by every day.

As a child, he gained interest in music by watching his grandmother play gospel piano while his grandfather led worship singing in a Baptist church.

“I was not only interested in the sounds themselves, but the way I could see it having a positive effect on others and bringing a smile to people's faces,” Kirk said.

Seeing the effects that music can have on an audience is the reason he started playing.

Kirk stated, “I want people to gain enjoyment and positive vibes from my music in any way, shape, or form.”

Growing up in a small town, country music was the predominant genre that was played on the radio, making it an easy choice for Kirk to write and play country music. However, he has his own twist on the popular genre.

“I would describe my sound as Indie Texas Country, if that even qualifies as a genre,” said Kirk. “However, I don't classify my sound in any direction other than it's my sound. All of my music comes from my personal experiences, so of course it will be unique to anyone else.”

Kirk just released 2 new singles, “Forever Is Way Too Long” and “New Man,” which are both available on iTunes. He is also working on some new material that he hopes to release by summer. However, it is the live shows where he feels that people can really get the full effect of his music.

“Live shows are what keeps me going,” he explained. “It's so awesome to be able to interact with the crowds and meet many new people on a weekly basis. I try to push strong stage presence to anyone I play with, whether it be my group, or even if I fill in for someone. Nobody wants to see a bump on a log; your job is to entertain. I would feel like I am selling to a venue short if all I did was stand still. On stage, you have to put all of your personal emotions aside and become one with the music; really feel the music.”

Kirk has a few live shows coming up in the Dallas Fort Worth area that he said were very difficult to get booked. He said, “It's a testament that hard work and dedication pay off at some point. Every day, more doors are opening.”

While he does play out of town gigs often and is always looking for more opportunities, Kirk still loves good ol' San Angelo.

“San Angelo has treated me so well,” he said. “I like to consider it one of the best cities in West Texas for live music, especially Shenanigans--one of my favorite places to play in San Angelo.”

Kirk continued, “One thing I do wish is that every local band had a packed house because all of them are so talented. They deserve it.”

As far as the future of Kirk's music career is concerned, he does not plan on giving up any time soon.

He noted, “Of course I have a dream of making music a career, but as for now, I'm taking it day by day and just living life. If something amazing happens with my music, well then praise God! If not, well at least I won't be that guy who didn't even give it a shot. My future is already written; just figuring it out is the hard part. The day I stop pushing forward in music, is the day that I am no longer on this Earth.”

Kirk's music can be found on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, and iHeart. His next live show in San Angelo will be at Three Parrot's Taco Shop at 7 p.m. on Feb. 6.

To follow Kirk Whipple on Facebook, visit….

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