Family Fun Day Educates Children on “The Bard”


“What do bunnies like to play?” Lauren Batt asked as she danced around with excitement, proud to demonstrate her prowess at Shakespearean riddles.  A pause and then, “Hopscotch,” she finished with a giggle.

The quip was one of a few the local third-grader could remember on Saturday as she moved between various stations at the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts’ and Be Theatre’s Family Day centering on Shakespeare.

The theme this year was inspired by the current Shakespeare on the Concho production, “Much Ado About Nothing,” the bard’s classic comedy about friendship and love.

“Someone once told me it is the first romantic comedy and I think that is very true,” said Jon Mark Hogg, the producer of the play. “We adapt the script to make it easier to understand so everyone can focus on the story. I think the more you can expose kids to things like this, the more they’ll learn.  If you never go see Shakespeare, you’ll never understand it.”

Children had the opportunity to learn more about the “old bald guy,” as Batt calls him, through activities such as creating a 3D “Macbeth” skull, character dress-up, a Shakespearean insult game, a “snacktivity” and various performances by Be Theatre.  Each of these activities were specifically planned to promote diverse ways of learning that are relatable to children. 

“Everyone learns differently and everyone is stimulated in different ways,” said Bekah Coleman, Curator of Education for the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts. “We want kids to come to these events and feel comfortable, but at the same time, we’re tricking them into learning.”

These tactics seemed to work, at least on Lauren Batt, who proclaimed that she understood the monologues by Be Theatre and now feels confident going to school and learning more about William Shakespeare. 

“I [also] learned about history and that people talked really funny back then,” she said proudly. 

Be Theatre’s Shakespeare on the Concho performances continue June 19, 20, 21, 26 and 27 at 7 p.m.  They encourage families to enjoy the show together on the south lawn of the Museum of Fine Arts.  No reservations are needed and there is no charge for admission, though they encourage attendees to pay what they can to support future performances.

This won’t be the last time the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts and Be Theatre collaborate to bring the Concho Valley some educational family fun.  In January, they will once again educate children on the do’s and don’ts of museum going during Family Circus Day and they are already planning on doing another Family Day Shakespeare next June. 

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