San Angelo Ranked #10 Best City for Single Millennial Women


A dating advice website lists San Angelo as the 10th best small town for millennial women. The reason?

There are 2,115 more single men here than single women.

The competition was tough. Number one was that garden spot, Lawton, Oklahoma, home of a huge U.S. Army base, Fort Sill. There are 5,057 more single men than single women there.

San Angelo has Goodfellow Air Force Base that likely attracts a high number of single dudes. But desk jobs in intel aren’t as male-intensive as the field artillery units stationed north of here.

Goldsboro, North Carolina, home of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base that is home the F-15E Strike Eagle (or, “Mud Hen”) also beat San Angelo, at number eight. There, there are 2,226 more single guys that single girls.

In all, there were 19 cities with populations less than 100,000 people ranked.

Killeen, home of Fort Hood, the largest Army base in the world, has a population greater than 100,000 and wasn't eligible.


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TxHoni, Mon, 03/23/2015 - 19:51

Hhhmmm....maybe San Angelo should have a speed date nite....since there's 2115 single men here #IJS

jdgt, Tue, 03/24/2015 - 12:20

Let's take a look at the population for a second... (I'm married btw, but if I was single, I'd be saying the SAME THING!)

Goodfellow is a training base. Permanent party individuals are probably married, so if they're hitting the dating scene, they're doing so "illegally." Trainees are young and immature in mentality for the most part... Only here temporarily and if they ARE allowed off base, they're in a drunken stupor on the weekends... just looking to live it up for the moment before they're off to their first duty station and deployments and the "real Air Force."

The oilfield? No thanks. After days in the hot sun or weeks in the field... I'm not looking to be manhandled by grubby dudes who want to take me back to their camper trailer out at the KOA. (thank God I'm married!)

If I were a man... dang... I'm sorry. I've seen the population of women you have to choose from. Young, ignorant college "babes" or meth heads from the north side.

Where's my middle class at?? You know... the hard working, too shy to approach one another class! They're often divorced, with kids... and often have that underlying thought that they're unwanted because they've got baggage...

And for the LOVE OF GOD! How does a married woman make a FRIEND in this town? Do they have an app for that?!

The best strategy for men is always to approach the young college girls. These women are coming into ASU and being cycled out every 4 years. Their youth makes them susceptible to making "bad decisions" while looking for fun and new experiences.

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