Video: Fireworks Lit the Night Sky During the Annual San Angelo Symphony Pops Concert


The San Angelo Symphony July 3rd Pops Concert and fireworks display at the Bill Aylor Sr. Memorial River Stage  went off without a hitch Thursday night.  The 27th annual event on the banks for the Concho River downtown is a tradition in San Angelo, and now has appreciative spectators staking claims to prime seating as early as noon the day of the event.

The symphony’s goal is that the event unites our community in a patriotic celebration to honor our military, our leaders and our country. This concert, which draws more than 35,000 in attendance, is now the 4th largest in the state of Texas.

Last night, the July 3rd Pops Concert featured military pageantry including the historic cannons of Fort Concho, the men and women of Goodfellow Air Force Base, symphonic songs of celebration performed by Maestro Hector Guzman and the San Angelo Symphony, and a Fireworks Extravaganza sponsored by Mayfield Paper Company.

Here is a video of the July 3 fireworks display taken from the roof of the Wells Fargo Building downtown:


(The music on the video is the U.S. Army Band playing the National Anthem, followed by the Eastman School of Music orchestra performing the theme excerpted from the second movement of American composer Howard Hanson’s 2nd Symphony (Romantic).)

Tonight (July 4th), the Lake Nasworthy  Homeowners Association, in conjunction with Time Clock Plus, will have a large fireworks display at the lake. Admission is free.


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