Chamber Confirms September Date for Drag Boat Races


Despite plentiful rains that have now filled Lake Nasworthy to full capacity, organizers of the annual Showdown in San Angelo Drag Boat Races have confirmed that the race will still take place the weekend of September 12-14, rescheduled dates that were selected when drought conditions made the original June dates doubtful.

“Even though Lake Nasworthy is now full, Chamber and race organization staff and volunteers are behind the curve as far as race promotions, ticket sales, sponsorship solicitations and volunteer commitments for a June event,” said Chamber President Phil Neighbors.  “But the recent rains now virtually guarantee that the race venue will be excellent for September’s event.”

Tickets sales will begin on Aug. 1 at the Chamber of Commerce office, 418 W. Avenue B, and at multiple locations throughout San Angelo.  Sponsorship opportunities are still available, and reserved RV spaces and VIP seating remain on sale at the Chamber.

For more information, visit or call the San Angelo Chamber of Commerce at 325-655-4136.

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Mr. Blow, thank you for appealing to me for assistance. However, the author of the article correctly begins her sentence with the word 'despite' instead of 'considering' because, in this case, the word despite means 'even though.' Thus, the meaning of her sentence would be the same if she had said "EVEN THOUGH the lake is now full, the race will still not be held until September." She could have used your word 'considering' if she had ended her sentence differently, such as "CONSIDERING that the lake is now full, one would think that the race organizers would move the date of the race up to sometime in July." I hope this explanation is helpful. Best regards, Editor Emeritus San Angelo LIVE!
Thank you, oh Emeritus, the wise! However, I think someone's pulling a fast one here. I concur with your explanation, as the article is currently written, but I swear that's not how the sentence was originally worded! Dag nabbit, Darn flarndit!

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