Wall ISD Extends School Closure to March 27


SAN ANGELO, TX – Wall ISD administrators have made the decision to extend school closures until Friday, March 27th.

In a letter to staff, Superintendent Russell Dacy explained that after being in constant contact with Region XV, TEA, and health officials the district decided to implement these guidelines.

Up until now Governor Abbott and the Commissioner of Education have allowed school districts to make decisions regarding closures based on their discretion, but Wall ISD recognized that if they are to continue to receive state funding they must "serve the educational needs of students in some capacity.”

The district will develop a contingency plan when the staff returns on Thursday, March 19 to provide remote instruction to all students.

“This is an unprecedented time. In order to get through this crisis and return to some sense of normalcy, it will take all of us working together as a school community,” said Dacy. “Please keep our school, community, state, and nation in your prayers.”

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