WATCH: San Angelo Police Department Firearm Seized at U.S./Mexico Border

San Angelo Police Chief Travis Griffith held a press conference today to address an ongoing internal and criminal investigation.

A release from the San Angelo Police Department says:

On April 23, 2024, Agents with the Department of Homeland Security apprehended a male subject at the border attempting to cross over into Mexico with firearms. During the course of their investigation, Homeland Security Agents discovered that one of the firearms was allegedly purchased at a gun show in another jurisdiction. At this time, there is absolutely no indication that this male subject and the smuggling event is associated with any Cartel.

Further information gathered during the Federal investigation showed the firearm to be traced back to the San Angelo Police Department.

Given the unusual nature of the situation, Homeland Security Agents notified the previous administration and on May 29, 2024, an internal investigation was initiated regarding the firearm alongside the criminal investigation.

During the investigation, it was discovered that the firearm in question had, at one point in time, been in the possession of the San Angelo Police Department.

Upon taking office, Chief Travis Griffith was made aware of this ongoing internal and criminal investigation that began months prior. Retired Chief Frank Carter had requested the assistance of the Texas Rangers. Regarding a theft of a firearm, and Chief Griffith fully support that decision.

The San Angelo Police Department is fully committed to the integrity of this investigation, which is why all information pertaining to this investigation was not released.

While we would like to report all information to you, the public, immediately, there is a necessity for due process. The priority of this investigation is the criminal case, which is currently being handled by the Texas Rangers.

As the investigation progressed, the focus began to settle on a particular division of the San Angelo Police Department. We want to assure you that all appropriate steps have been taken, and we have full confidence in the Texas Rangers. One individual involved has resigned, and other personnel have been placed on administrative leave pending the investigation.

It is important to note that simply resigning or being placed on administrative leave does not indicate any criminal wrongdoing or violations of Department policy. We will allow the investigation to reveal all facts of this case.

We want to make it clear that if any individuals are found to have engaged in criminal wrongdoing or violations of Department policy, they will be held accountable. While it is our mission to be transparent with the public, we must allow the investigation to run its course.

Unfortunately, some information has leaked out of the internal and criminal processes. We believe it is important to share what we can release to ensure that accurate information is presented and to prevent speculation to take root.

As is standard practice, any inquiries regarding this case should be directed to the Texas Rangers.

As more information becomes available, it will be released when deemed appropriate by the involved entities.

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