MPD Releases Body Cam Footage of Viral Arrest
MIDLAND, TX -- The Midland Police Department and the City of Midland have opted to release the body cam footage that details the arrest of Tye Anders. Anders was taken into custody several days ago after he failed to stop during a traffic stop and resisted arrest.
The city, as well as the police department, faced backlash after they announced they would not be releasing the footage of the arrest. The arrest garnered a variety of reactions from the community.
According to CBS7, the Midland Police Department released a variety of body cam videos that showcase the scene from the officers' point of view.
District 2 City Council member John Norman today announced the release of the police body camera video regarding the arrest of Anders earlier this month.
"This morning I called a meeting made up of some of my District 2 Advisory Committee, the Mayor, the Police Chief, and other members of the City Staff and Community to discuss releasing the video," said Norman. "We know that every second of the video will be scrutinized and debated on social media for days. I don't have a problem with that at all. Because at my core, I believe that transparency builds trust. The group this morning shared this belief."
A shortened version can be seen in the video above and three extended length videos can be seen at the links at the bottom of this article.
Norman also announced he will be hosting a series of Community Conversations that will give citizens the platform to discuss Anders' arrest, the video, and race relations in the city. The first Community Conversation will take place on May 28 from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King Jr. Center in Midland.
"By creating opportunities for us to listen, at times, and place convenient to the community, we will build a better Midland."
All the footage has been uploaded to the Midland Police Department's YouTube page.
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Mr. "I did not run no stop sign" needs two things (at least). #1- to learn how to behave during a traffic stop, and #2- a belt. All the histrionics were just a diversion from whatever else he didn't want the cops to find. Go straight to jail, do not collect $200. Dumbass.....
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Permalink... but still, my thoughts of this Bodycam footage is that the entire situation ... on both sides was mishandled and very controversial. The young man should have pulled the car to the curb as soon as the Police officer turned on his lights. If he would have simply done that ... the Police officer and Backup that was radioed for would possibly not reacted in the manner they did. Also, my thoughts is the Police officer that pulled his firearm ... pulled it and pointed it to soon. The young man had his hands in the air already when the officer is heard saying... "Show me your hands!" ... also the elderly woman should have stayed inside ... out of the way! Very mishandled on both sides!
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PermalinkFailure to stop...tension escalates. Refuse to exit vehicle and obey commands, police response increases in intensity. All the bozo had to do was what they told him to do, shut up and let them do their job. Yes, the police response appears overzealous, but did you notice that once out of the car, he reached towards his waistline more than once? Police recognize that movement alone has put many cops in the ground.
ALL beltless bozo's fault.... imho.
When I first got my drivers license, my father told me that if, and when, I get pulled over by cops, there are only three acceptable responses to their questions, yes sir, no sir, and I have no excuse sir. That little tidbit of wisdom has served me well over the years.
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Permalink... I was told the same thing by my Father when I got my driver's license... back in the early 70's. I was told to ease it to the curb, stay in the car, keep your hands on the wheel... and wait for the Police officer to ask the questions he needed to ask and say "Yes Sir" ... "No Sir" and "Yes Sir, ignorance of the driving laws is no excuse for not stopping at the stop sign or stop light and driving faster than the posted speed limit! " ... you know ... someone decided to keep a running tally of the Positive and Negative cases of the virus! I would like to see a running tally of how many drivers actually have a valid driver's license and insurance... and how many drivers " Do Not" even have a license to drive! I would wager the number of people that "Do not " have a driver's license and insurance would be absolutely "Staggering"! That's why I feel that Drivers Ed should be a elective class in High schools ... like it was when I turned of age to drive!
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PermalinkWhen you are told multiple times to exit the vehicle and you don't, of course the cop is going to pull his gun. How many damned times did the cop tell him? Should he have said pretty please?
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PermalinkAh. A crime family. Carry on.
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PermalinkGoes along with today’s generation of ENTITLED CRY Baby’s! It’s Trump, Rep/Dem, Race, etc, etc
Anybody that’s complaining about Midland or any other Police dep! Easy to armchair QB after the fact! Fact is he shouldn’t have Ran a stop sign! Then he should’ve stopped immediately when the Cop turned his lights on! If he or his family has a problem with how he was dealt with after he chose to ignore them and call his mom, grandmother or whoever else he called instead of paying attention to his driving, etc! But nope, let’s call the media, threaten lawsuits, and blame the PD and the President! And anybody else we can think of! Instead of taking RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR OWN ACTIONS and dealing with that!! With all that’s going on in today’s world I don’t blame the officers one damn bit for taking him at gunpoint, no matter what anyone’s skin color is!! Get over it! He is the one that chose to ignore everything he was being told to do! Starting with that STOP SIGN!!
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