Sonora Police Clarify Suspect Identity After Highway Pursuit


SONORA, TX — Authorities have clarified that a man initially named as a suspect in a highway pursuit near Exit 412 on Interstate 10 was misidentified, according to a statement from the City of Sonora.

Earlier on Tuesday, law enforcement agencies, including the Sonora Police Department and multiple county sheriff’s offices, were involved in a search for a suspect who fled from officers following a pursuit. Initial reports stated that police were searching for Rashaud Breland Al Moncrief. However, after apprehending the fleeing individual, authorities confirmed that Moncrief was not the person being pursued and was not arrested.

The actual suspect, identified as Rundrikus Dewayne Watson, was taken into custody and handed over to Kimble County Sheriff’s Office deputies.

During the search, law enforcement agencies were working with limited information, leading to the initial misidentification. The Sonora Police Department later issued a statement thanking all agencies involved, including the Sutton County Sheriff’s Office, Junction Police Department, Kimble County Sheriff’s Office, and the Texas Department of Public Safety, for their coordinated efforts.

Authorities have not provided further details on Watson’s charges or the circumstances leading to the pursuit.

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