East Texas Teacher Charged With Bestiality, Child Porn


WELLS, TX — A teacher from a small East Texas town was arrested last week and charged with bestiality and child porn, according to the Lufkin Daily News.

Hillary Williams, 33, who teaches math in junior high and high school at Wells ISD, had her bond set at $350,000 by the Angelina County Sheriff’s Office.

Wells is located about 10 miles northwest of Lufkin.

Williams' fiancé, Michael McCary, 37, was also arrested and charged with possession of child pornography with a bond set at $250,000.

 "We are working closely with authorities and our attorney to ensure that all proper procedures are followed, with the safety and security of our students remaining our top priority," Wells ISD Superintendent Friday Wright said in a statement. "At this time, we have no information indicating that any of our students are directly involved in this situation. We will provide updates as more information becomes available."

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