SAN ANGELO, TX – Corrections Officers at the Tom Green County Jail report that 14 individuals have been booked on various charges, including aggravated robbery and assault with intent to restrict breath or circulation of a family member with a prior conviction.
There are currently 443 individuals booked in the Tom Green County Jail.
San Angelo LIVE! does not make assumptions or representations regarding guilt or innocence based on the booking report. All individuals charged with crimes are presumed innocent until proven guilty. The information on the site should not be used to establish any person’s actual criminal record.
The charges listed in the report are directly sourced from information provided by the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office and Jail, unaltered and may or may not represent the actual charges filed against the individual.
Inmates Booked into the Detention Center in the Past 24 Hours:
Konrad Ramirez
Booking #: 455106
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 06:02 AM
Theft of Property >= $100<$750
Driving While Intoxicated 2nd (Capias Pro Fine)
Bond: $1,500.00
David Montez
Booking #: 455105
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 04:51 AM
Charges: Miscellaneous Capias Pro Fine (x2)
Bond: No Bond
Johnny Balderas
Booking #: 455104
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 04:37 AM
Theft of Property >= $100<$750 by Check (Violation of Probation)
Possession of Controlled Substance PG 1/1-B <1G
Resist Arrest Search or Transport
Evading Arrest Detention
Pedestrian - Walking with Traffic
Possession/Delivery of Drug Paraphernalia
Bond: $1,926.00
Mark Favela
Booking #: 455103
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 04:01 AM
Charges: Assault with Intent to Restrict Breath/Circulation Family Member (Previous Conviction, IAT)
Bond: No Bond
Raul Ruiz
Booking #: 455102
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 02:27 AM
No Driver's License
No Proof of Financial Responsibility
Expired Registration
Bond: $1,370.00
Irvin Gomez Hernandez
Booking #: 455101
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 02:00 AM
Charges: Driving While Intoxicated
Bond: $1,000.00
Desiree Hall
Booking #: 455100
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 01:46 AM
Charges: Possession of Controlled Substance PG 2 >=1G<4G
Bond: No Bond
Cori Rutledge
Booking #: 455099
Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 01:37 AM
Charges: Miscellaneous Capias Pro Fine (x3)
Bond: No Bond
Brandon Price
Booking #: 455098
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 11:36 PM
Charges: Aggravated Robbery (Motion to Revoke)
Bond: No Bond
James Hernandez
Booking #: 455095
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 08:48 PM
Charges: Assault Family/Household Member with Previous Conviction (Grand Jury Indictment)
Bond: No Bond
Krystal Robles
Booking #: 455094
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 06:09 PM
Charges: Miscellaneous Capias Pro Fine (x23)
Bond: No Bond
Jason Ward
Booking #: 455092
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 03:55 PM
Possession of Marijuana <2OZ (Judgment Nisi)
Resist Arrest Search or Transport (Judgment Nisi)
Fail to Identify Fugitive Intent Give False Info (Grand Jury Indictment)
Driving While Intoxicated (Judgment Nisi)
Miscellaneous Capias Pro Fine (x7)
Bond: No Bond
Jose Guajardo
Booking #: 455091
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 02:48 PM
Fugitive from Justice
Evading Arrest Detention with Vehicle or Watercraft
Driving While Intoxicated
Driving While Intoxicated 2nd
Bond: $5,000.00
Gregory Casey
Booking #: 455090
Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 01:06 PM
Charges: Harassment (Community Supervision)
Bond: No Bond
Inmates Released from the Detention Center in the Past 24 Hours:
- Raul Ruiz
- Booking #: 455102
- Release Date: 2025-01-04 - 04:01 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-04 - 02:27 AM
- Charges:
- No Driver's License
- No Proof of Financial Responsibility
- Expired Registration
- Bond: $1,370.00
- Alexandra Cerna
- Booking #: 455097
- Release Date: 2025-01-04 - 12:31 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 11:07 PM
- Charges:
- Expired Vehicle Registration
- Violation of Promise to Appear
- Bond: $1,040.00
- Alton Bowman
- Booking #: 455096
- Release Date: 2025-01-04 - 12:01 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 10:11 PM
- Charges:
- Improper Driver's License for Type Vehicle
- Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility
- Failure to Appear
- Operate Unregistered Motor Vehicle
- Bond: $1,443.40
- Wire Nehr
- Booking #: 455089
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 08:31 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 06:02 AM
- Charges: TDCJ Holdover
- Bond: No Bond
- Tyler Pacheco
- Booking #: 455088
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 07:00 PM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-03 - 05:06 AM
- Charges:
- Burglary of Habitation (Grand Jury Indictment, F2)
- Violation of Bond/Protective Order 2+ Times Within 12 Months (Grand Jury Indictment)
- Bond: $100,000.00
- Bryana Allen
- Booking #: 455086
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 01:31 PM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-02 - 08:49 PM
- Charges:
- Evading Arrest Detention
- Indecent Exposure
- Bond: $1,162.00
- Jessie Holleman
- Booking #: 455085
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 10:45 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-02 - 08:18 PM
- Charges: Driving While License Invalid
- Bond: $1,262.00
- Melissa Hall
- Booking #: 455079
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 11:45 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-02 - 04:29 PM
- Charges: Assault Causing Bodily Injury
- Bond: $500.00
- Darrian Sampson
- Booking #: 455076
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 08:46 AM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-02 - 12:25 PM
- Charges: TDCJ Holdover
- Bond: No Bond
- Justin Ramirez
- Booking #: 455072
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 09:45 PM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-01 - 11:22 PM
- Charges:
- Resist Arrest Search or Transport
- Evading Arrest Detention
- Bicycle - No Signal of Intent
- No Driver's License
- No Signal of Intent
- No/Defective Headlights on Bicycle
- Bond: $5,976.00
- Angel Ramirez
- Booking #: 455071
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 12:16 PM
- Booking Date: 2025-01-01 - 08:27 PM
- Charges: Reckless Driving
- Bond: $1,000.00
- Keundray Rollins
- Booking #: 455039
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 12:01 PM
- Booking Date: 2024-12-31 - 04:24 PM
- Charges: Driving While Intoxicated
- Bond: $2,000.00
- Stephanie Sambrano
- Booking #: 455031
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 08:45 PM
- Booking Date: 2024-12-30 - 09:25 PM
- Charges:
- Possession of Controlled Substance PG 1 >=1G<4G (Motion to Revoke)
- Failure to Spray/Neuter
- Failure to Appear on Court Date
- Bond: $1,054.00
- Guy Barnes
- Booking #: 454738
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 12:31 PM
- Booking Date: 2024-12-10 - 12:09 AM
- Charges: Driving While Intoxicated (3rd or More)
- Bond: $40,000.00
- Hilario Holguin
- Booking #: 454731
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 03:15 PM
- Booking Date: 2024-12-09 - 09:05 PM
- Charges: Possession of Controlled Substance PG 1/1-B <1G
- Bond: $8,000.00
- Jerry Montelongo
- Booking #: 454160
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 09:01 AM
- Booking Date: 2024-11-04 - 02:54 PM
- Charges: Parole Violation
- Bond: No Bond
- Terry Arthur
- Booking #: 448597
- Release Date: 2025-01-03 - 08:46 AM
- Booking Date: 2023-12-06 - 10:20 PM
- Charges:
- Possession of Controlled Substance PG 1/1-B <1G (x2)
- Unlawful Possession of Firearm by Felon (x2)
- Bicycle - No/Defective Headlights
- Bond: $120,384.00
A key for the above abbreviations:
- AKA - Also Known As
- BAC - Blood Alcohol Content
- COMM - Adjudicated or Commutated Sentence
- CPF - Capias Pro Fine
- DFZ - Drug-Free Zone
- DWI - Driving While Intoxicated
- DWLI - Driving While License Invalid
- ENH - Enhanced
- F2 - 2nd Degree Felony
- FMFR - Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility
- FS - State Jail Felony
- FTA - Failure To Appear in Court
- FTSLI - Failure To Stop and Leave Information
- FTYROW - Failure to Yield the Right Of Way
- FV - Family Violence
- GJI - Grand Jury Indictment
- GOB - Going Off Bond
- IAC - If At Court
- ICON - In County Only Notation
- ICE - Immigration Custom Enforcement
- IAT - If At Trial
- J/N - Judgment NISI
- MAN DEL CS PG - Manufacture and Delivery of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group
- MIC - Minor in Consumption (Alcohol)
- MIP - Minor in Possession
- MISC - Miscellaneous
- MO - Magistrate’s Order
- MTP - Motion to Proceed with Prosecution
- MTR - Motion To Revoke Probation
- MTAG - Motion To Adjudicate Guilt
- PG-1 - Possession of a Controlled Substance Penalty Group 1 includes cocaine, crack, meth, heroin, ketamine, oxycontin, GHB, opioids
- PG-1A - LSD
- PG-1B - Fentanyl
- PG-2 - Hallucinogens, including THC, central nervous system depressants
- PG-2A - Synthetic marijuana/cannabinoids
- PG-3 - Stimulants and depressants like Ritalin, Benzos, Xanax
- PG-4 - Narcotics that include codeine and morphine but have medical value
- POSS MARIJ - Possession of Marijuana
- RPR - Revocation of Personal Recognizance Bond
- SBI - Serious Bodily Injury
- TCB – Taking Care of Business
- TDCJ - Texas Department of Criminal Justice
- TGCJ - Tom Green County Jail
- VOP - Violation of Probation
- VPTA - Violation Promise To Appear
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