SAN ANGELO, TX — Ryan Renfroe, a towering figure at 6'4" and approximately 300 pounds and a fresh haircut, stood motionless as the jury reentered the courtroom Saturday afternoon. Retired Senior Judge Barbara Walther read the punishment verdict aloud: Renfroe was sentenced to life imprisonment in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.
Renfroe was convicted of the murder of 23-year-old Jakob Jones, following what prosecutors described as a three-day escalation of road rage. The incident began with a traffic altercation and devolved into an extended confrontation over Facebook Messenger. In the early hours of New Year's Eve, Renfroe tracked Jones to an alleyway near Fat Boss Pub in San Angelo’s downtown entertainment district, where he fatally shot him twice, including a point-blank shot through the right eye.
After the sentencing, Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Porter requested the court's permission for Jakob Jones' mother, Faye Murrell, to address Renfroe. The judge agreed, and Murrell stood, visibly shaken and sobbing, to deliver an emotional victim impact statement.
"You don't really care what you've taken from me," Murrell said. "He was my only son, a part of my heart." Surrounded by family, including her husband of 21 years, Jason, who had helped raise Jakob since he was 3, she detailed the profound loss of a son, uncle, and best friend to many. "All because you thought he was a 'threat'? One day, I pray, I will be able to forgive you. God have mercy on your soul."
Outside the courthouse, the prosecution team, led by 51st District Attorney Allison Palmer and ADA Alexandra Porter, gathered with Jakob’s family and friends. Guarded by armed bailiffs, they shared emotional farewells after an arduous week in court. Palmer declined to provide an immediate statement, saying, "I will email an official one later."
Earlier that day, during the punishment phase, Jack Renfroe, Ryan’s adoptive father, took the stand in an effort to spare his son from a life sentence. Jack, a retired rancher and law enforcement officer, described Ryan as "kind-hearted" and "gentle," albeit admitting he had been "kinda lost" in his younger years. He testified that Ryan had turned his life around after meeting his girlfriend, Hanna Causey.
However, Palmer dismantled this narrative during cross-examination, exposing Ryan's violent history. Using a calm yet deliberate tone, she revealed a pattern of domestic violence incidents in 2016 and 2017. Police reports detailed how Ryan had fled the scene of one incident and caused injuries to both his mother and father in another altercation. Graphic evidence included photographs of a blood-stained kitchen floor, where Ryan had knocked his mother into a cabinet, and injuries his father sustained when Ryan punched him unconscious.
The jury appeared deeply affected by this evidence, particularly the graphic images. Palmer’s methodical questioning of Jack Renfroe undermined the defense’s attempt to portray Ryan as reformed.
Ryan’s mother, Lana, and girlfriend, Hanna Causey, also testified, painting him as a loving and supportive figure. A clinical psychologist, Dr. Leana Talbott, testified that Ryan was not a psychopath. Palmer chose not to cross-examine these witnesses, confident the jury had already been swayed by the evidence of Ryan’s violent tendencies.
Following closing arguments, Judge Walther finalized the jury instructions. Deliberations began just after noon on Saturday, and the jury returned with its decision by 1:45 p.m., sentencing Ryan Renfroe to life in prison.

51st DA Allison Palmer with ADA Alexandra Porter and DA Investigator Gary Cole with Faye and (off camera a bit) Jason Murrell.

The murder victim Jakob Jones from his January 2024 obituary.

Faye and Jason Murrell discuss the verdict with 51st DA Allison Palmer. ADA Alexandra Porter is right of the camera.
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