Brownwood High School Under Lockdown


BROWNWOOD, TX — Police received an unconfirmed threat from an outside agency, according to the Brownwood ISD. The district administration said the district and the Brownwood Police Department ordered Brownwood High to be placed on a lockdown to ensure everyone's safety while investigating.

This is not a part of the previously announced emergency drills by the district, we were told..

Eyewitness reports are of parents outside the school attempting to find out the status of their kids who are inside the building. 

According to the Brownwood ISD at 12 noon:

"This morning, Brownwood High School received a report of a text threat made through a national hotline. As a precaution, BHS was placed on lockdown while authorities conducted an investigation and a sweep of the building. The building has been cleared, and the lockdown has now been lifted.

"Police are actively tracking the IP address of the sender, and prosecution will follow. Please be assured that all threats are taken seriously. We would like to extend our gratitude to local law enforcement for their swift response. Additional officers will remain onsite for a period of time to ensure safety.

"Thank you for your understanding and support."

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