Former Texas Teacher Charged with Sexual Assault of 5-Year-Old at Wife’s Daycare​


BAYTOWN, TX - A former Baytown teacher has been arrested and charged with the sexual assault of a 5-year-old girl at a daycare owned by his wife. 

Hespero Amalla Jingco, 56, was arrested last week and charged with "super aggravated sexual assault of a child under 6 years of age." 

Authorities launched an investigation in August after a daycare employee alerted the child’s mother about incidents involving Jingco that made her uncomfortable. The employee’s report led to further inquiries by police.

It's being reported that the young girl said that Jingco, whom she referred to as “pastor,” had pulled down her pants and touched her “private part.”

The child also reported that Jingco kissed her and told her “I love you” during the incidents. The girl said the assaults occurred multiple times in various rooms of the daycare.

Jingco’s bond was set at $150,000, and he is no longer employed at Baytown Christian Academy, where he previously taught. The case is still under investigation.

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