Texas Woman Arrested After CBP Seizes $675K in Alleged Cocaine


BROWNSVILLE, TX — U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the Brownsville and Matamoros International Bridge intercepted a load of alleged cocaine valued at approximately $675,850 concealed in a 2015 Chevrolet on Sept. 21.

It happened when a 21-year-old female U.S. citizen from Dallas attempted to enter the U.S. driving the Chevrolet. After a primary inspection, the vehicle was referred for further examination. CBP officers, assisted by a canine unit and a non-intrusive inspection system, discovered 22 packages containing 50.61 pounds of cocaine hidden within the vehicle.

“Our CBP officers’ unwavering diligence and dedication to keep our borders secure produced this significant seizure, and our communities are safer for their efforts,” said Port Director Tater Ortiz, Brownsville Port of Entry.

The narcotics and vehicle were seized by CBP, while Homeland Security Investigations special agents arrested the driver and launched a criminal investigation.

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