Child Predator Takes Plea Deal for Lewd Contact with Child


SAN ANGELO, TX— A child predator has taken a plea deal for stalking and indecency with a child.

Mario Salazar, 46, has taken a plea deal for two counts of indecency with a child by sexual contact and one count of stalking.

According to court documents, on November 7, 2023, a San Angelo Police Officer filled out a report that stated a 14-year-old child was asleep in bed. The defendant, identified as Salazar, had gotten into bed with the child victim and embraced her from behind. The victim felt uncomfortable and left the room.

The victim spoke with investigators and said that on June 15, 2023, Salazar had gotten into her bed with her and squeezed her tightly for minutes. Then, he touched the child’s chest area.

Salazar waived his rights and agreed to speak with investigators where he admitted that he would get into bed with the child and hug her. Then, Salazar said he would kiss the child victim’s hair and cheek as he was holding her. He also admitted to touching her chest area.

Salazar was also indicted for several stalking incidents on October 25th, 30th, 31st, and November 4th and 6th.

In exchange for a guilty plea, Salazar was sentenced to eight years in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

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