Alleged Abilene Kidnapper Arrested in Wyoming


CHEYENNE, WY— An alleged kidnapper from the Abilene area has been arrested in Wyoming.

Courtney Klein, 28, was arrested after the United States Marshal Service contacted the Evansville Police Department in Wyoming where they requested assistance with a child abduction investigation.

Information from the US Marshal Service stated that this was a parental abduction where Klein took a 10-year-old child victim from Texas in October 2023. An arrest warrant was issued for Klein and US Marshals started tracking her weeks before she entered Wyoming.

When Klein was taken into custody, the 10-year-old female victim was safely recovered from a motel in Evansville, Wyoming.

“I would like to thank the Wyoming Department of Family Services and the Evansville Police Department for their assistance and cooperation in the safe recovery of the missing child,” the US Marshal for the District of Wyoming stated. 

An arrest warrant was issued to Klein in Abilene back on May 15.

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