Woman Arrested in Grape Creek After Armed Standoff


GRAPE CREEK, TX — A Grape Creek woman has been arrested after a long-armed standoff with the Tom Green County Sheriff's Special Response Team.

Law enforcement was dispatched to a home on Wheatland Drive in Grape Creek early Friday morning. 

Law enforcement officers, armed with long guns, were seen patrolling the area.

Sheriff Nick Hanna confirmed that a man in his 60s was injured after an altercation with a woman in her 30s. The two lived together with a child.

A resident claimed that the woman had chopped off the man's finger, although this detail remains unconfirmed. 

Sheriff Hanna said that the woman was armed with a knife and had threatened to harm herself.

The woman was arrested and observed screaming and acting frantically during the arrest. 

Sheriff Hanna mentioned that charges are pending, and a press release will be issued. 

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