Midland Police Recover $90k In Stolen Property


MIDLAND, TX - Midland police reported helping recover around $90,000 worth of property stolen from businesses in north central Midland.

Detectives with the Midland Police Department were investigating a rash of burglaries suffered by several local businesses. 

During the course of the investigation, detectives developed probable cause to apply for a search warrant for a suspect’s property.

Then, on Friday, Feb. 9, 2024, the MPD SWAT team assisted detectives in serving the search warrant, securing the scene, and turning it over to detectives. 

During the subsequent search of the property in the 4300 block of West County Road 118, detectives recovered approximately $90,000 worth of property stolen from multiple businesses, taken from five stores around Midkiff Road and Wadley Avenue

Those stores included Midland Athletic Company, InsureAll of West Texas, Shape Me Beauty Studio, and Tall City Sneakers.

This recovered property included eBikes (electric bicycles), shoes, and Garmin devices.

The investigation is ongoing.  

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