San Angelo Woman Arrested for Assaulting Man with Aerosol Can


SAN ANGELO, TX— A San Angelo woman has been arrested after hitting a man in the head with an aerosol can.

Rockcil Beasley, 45, has been arrested for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon after cutting a man’s head by hitting him with a spray can.

According to court documents, on August 14, 2023, San Angelo police responded to the 1900 block of Gunter Street to investigate an assault. They learned that he lives at this location with Beasley. She has lived with the victim at this residence for the past three weeks. The victim has been assisting Beasley with getting a storage locker and moving her property out of the residence.

The man had gone to bed in his room and was woken up by Beasley yelling at him. She had an aerosol can with her and began spraying him with it. Beasley approached him and hit him in the forehead with the can, causing the victim to bleed. After being hit in the forehead, the victim saw that Beasley had a knife in her hand.

The man told police he believed Beasley would seriously hurt him that night. He was able to get the knife away from Beasley and left the house to seek help.

The neighbor said the man came over and had a knife in his hand. He gave the neighbor the knife who then called the police for help.

Police spoke with Beasley who allegedly admitted to assaulting the man with the aerosol can. She said that the victim had a knife, and she was just coming out of the shower when this incident occurred.

The man said he was unsure of where the knife came from but claims he does not keep a knife in the room when he sleeps.

Beasley was arrested and booked into the Tom Green County Jail for Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Theft Class c, Dog, Ferret, or Pot-Bellied Pig at Large, and warrants. She is currently an inmate being held on $102, 886.40 bond.

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