Cartel Mule Indicted for Smuggling 159 Pounds of Meth


PECOS —  A man from Mexico has been indicted after smuggling methamphetamine into the United States.

According to reports, Angel Vargas-Valdivia, 23, has been indicted for possession, importing, and intent to distribute meth after attempting to enter the United States from Mexico. Vargas-Valdivia stated to Customs and Border Protection that he had just purchased a vehicle but couldn’t answer many other questions about the vehicle.

Vargas-Valdivia also claimed to live in Odessa, Texas.

During inspection, the vehicle doors were heavy and x-ray imaging showed tampering. It was revealed that Vargas-Valdivia had 159.1 lbs. of meth bundled in 154 packages. He admitted that he was going to move the drugs into the United States and be paid $10,000 for smuggling the drugs.

Vargas-Valdivia was arrested and charged with possession with intent to distribute and importation. He could face up to 10 years in prison.

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