TRIAL: San Angelo Police Investigator Describes Bradley's Syringe Filled Home


SAN ANGELO, TX – Day 3 of the Cristin Bradley trial kicked off with witness testimony from San Angelo Police Investigators. During the morning session, the jury learned how appalling the conditions inside Bradley's home were, where 2-month-old Brixlee had been born and died.

As previously reported, the Bradley trial is underway to determine her role in the death of Brixlee, which occurred on July 24, 2023. For the original article, see: Trial for 1st Defendant for Infant who Died of a Heroin Overdose Underway

On day 2 of the trial, the jury heard from several people involved in the investigation, including medical personnel and crime scene investigators. One particularly notable witness was San Angelo Police Crime Scene Investigator Ashley Lowe. Lowe testified about what she observed inside the home on the 2200 block of Webster Ave.

During her testimony, Lowe described numerous photos taken by her inside the home. In these photos, the jury could see countless syringes, some of which had liquid inside, while most were empty. Lowe testified that syringes were found in the kitchen trash can, in the nightstand by the master bed, in a lunchbox underneath the master bed, and inside a plastic container in a backpack.

The most eyebrow-raising discovery was on the master bed, next to a pillow, where a small stain the size of an infant was found.

The trial will continue throughout the week. If convicted, Bradley is facing a sentence of 5 to 99 years in prison.

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