SAN ANGELO, TX — On May 7, 2023, the San Angelo Police Department took a report of vandalism at Lawnhaven Cemetery, which is located on FM 1223. The cemetery is outside the city limits but within the jurisdiction of the county.
Officers discovered that several adult Hispanic individuals had urinated upon, stolen items from, and damaged the grave of five-year-old Naiya Bermea Villegas of San Angelo who was murdered in 2014 by her mother's boyfriend, Isidro Delacruz. Delacruz was convicted and sits on death row.
The sheriff said yesterday just before lunchtime the investigation of the grave vandalism was forwarded to the Tom Green County Sheriff's Office due to Lawnhaven Cemetery being located outside the city limits of San Angelo.
By 5 p.m. yesterday, an investigator with the Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigations Division was able to develop enough probable cause and obtained an arrest warrant for one of the suspects, Joseph Gonzales, age 20, for the criminal offense of Vandalize/Damage/Treat Offensive a Final Resting Place.
With the assistance of the Sheriff's Office Patrol Division, Joseph Gonzales was located and arrested at a residence in San Angelo and booked into the Tom Green County Jail. Additional evidence was recovered during the arrest and the investigation continues to positively identify the other suspects.
Gonzales, who was booked into jail Wednesday at 6:22 p.m., was able to post a $40,000 bond and was released from jail at 10:43 a.m. Thursday morning after spending a little over 16 hours in jail. Vandalize/Damage/Treat Offensive a Final Resting Place is a Class A Misdemeanor unless enhanced. We await word about the final charges from County Attorney Chris Taylor or a district attorney.
The Tom Green County Sheriff's Office requests that if any member of the public has information regarding this investigation, to contact the Criminal Investigations Division at (325) 655-8111.

Naiya Bermea Villegas of San Angelo who was murdered by her mother's boyfriend, Isidro Delacruz, in 2014. Delacruz was convicted and sits on death row.
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