Runnels County is Looking to Build a New Jail


BALLINGER, TX — Runnels County is looking to build a new jail.

According to the Runnels County Jail Facebook Page, on May 4, 2023 at 7 p.m., there will be a town hall meeting to “discuss the necessity for building a new jail.” 

The meeting will be held on the second floor of the county courthouse. 

This is coming after months of problems and over crowding at the jail. Because of these problems, Runnels County is forced to send certain long term inmates to Tom Green County. 

In fact, in Mar. 2023, an equipment malfunction forced Runnels County to send all of their inmates to Tom Green County. For more see: Safety Issue in the Runnels County Jail Leads to Moving Inmates to Tom Green County

The current jail is located 1000 Hickory Hill Rd. 

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