San Angelo Woman Guilty of Orchestrating Brutal Execution-style Murder Sentenced to Prison


SAN ANGELO, TX – The woman accused of orchestrating the execution-style murder of Kristen Rose has been sentenced to more than three decades in prison.

According to court documents, on Dec. 8, 2022, Alexis Taylor Jackson, 28, of San Angelo, pleaded guilty with no recommendation to the murder of Kristian Rose. Jackson was arrested for the murder in May 2019 along with three other codefendants; Brian Garcia, Jacob Martinez, and Joshua Jaquez. 

In the court admonishments it says that Jackson would not spend more than 35 years in prison. Martinez had already taken a plea deal as well. In his deal he got the same 35 year punishment. Garcia has the longest sentence so far with 50 years. Jaquez is still awaiting trial.

Rose was murdered in 2019 after the four set up a home invasion. During the robbery Rose was shot and killed. Following the San Angelo Police Department's investigation it was learned that Jackson set the whole thing up despite tell police she had no idea. Following his death, Jackson also made social media posts mourning Rose. For the original article see: Witness of Rose Murder: 'Alexis Set the Whole Thing Up'

While in jail, Jackson's bond was set at $1,000,000. On multiple occasions she went in front of Judge Woodward in hopes of getting her bond reduced because she was pregnant. Despite that, the Judge denied all of her requests. See: Judge Denies Bond Reduction for Pregnant Notorious Murder Suspect

Now that Jackson has been found guilty, she will be heading to prison where she could face up to 35 years. She was also ordered to pay a $5,000 fine.

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