WATCH: Chicken Farm Art Center Goes Up for Sale


SAN ANGELO, TX – One of San Angelo's most well known attractions is up for sale following the decision from the owners to retire.

According to a listing from Steve Eustis Real Estate, as of May 20, the Chicken Farm Art Center, located at 2505 Martin Luther King Blvd., is for sale. In the listing the agent revealed that the owners Pam Allen, Jerry Warnell, and his wife Susan Warnell are looking to retire.

"The Chicken Farm Art Center was created in 1971 by legendary ceramicist, Roger Allen. Roger passed away in 2019 and his widow is now ready to retire. Several years ago, Roger sold half of the Chicken Farm to his good friends, Jerry and Susan Warnell, who are also ready to retire," stated the listing. "Both owners are selling and a purchase must include both owners - the sale price includes both owners."


In the deal the buyers would get the 2.3 acres filled with retail art studios, a restaurant, B&Bs, apartments and two residences for owners. Along with the art center an Additional 14,000 sqft land parcel across the street from the Chicken Farm Art Center is also included.

The listing price for the Chicken Farm Art Center is $1.2 million.

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