San Angelo Woman Indicted for Punching Officer


SAN ANGELO- A San Angelo woman has been indicted by a Tom Green County grand jury for assault of a public servant.

According to court documents, on February 14, 2022, a San Angelo police officer responded to the 1600 block of South Van Buren Street to assist CPS. There, the defendant, identified as Danielle White, became uncooperative and struck the officer on the left side of his face and neck.

White was arrested for assault of a public servant and booked into the Tom Green County Detention Facility on 2/14/2022 and made her $25,000.00 bond on April 4, 2022.

Assault of a public servant is a 2nd degree felony in the state of Texas and carries a punishment of 2 to 20 years and a possible fine of up to $10,000.00.

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