Police Searching for Colorful Character Wanted for Drug Charges


SWEETWATER, TX – Have you seen the woman above?

According to the Sweetwater Police Department, as of Apr. 1, officers with the SPD are searching for Melinda Samia.

Sarmia is wanted in Nolan and Eastland Counties for Fail to Identify/Giving False or Fictitious Information and Manufacture/Delivery of a Controlled Substance.

If you have any information, please call us at (325) 236-6686. All tips will remain anonymous.

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It might be a while before she is apprehended, considering how well she'll blend in to a crowd. Total idiot....

I'm not sure I would use the word "colorful".  She would shriekingly stand out around here, and I am surrounded by folks I consider "colorful".  I'm not sure what adjective I would use, although "horrifying" might suffice.

She is clearly a genetic misfire.


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