Federal Child Endangerment Charges Brought Against Fort Stockton Father


FORT STOCKTON, TX- A Fort Stockton man is facing federal child endangerment charges after he and his daughter went missing in Big Bend National Park.

Hector Flores Jr. and his daughter went missing in Big Bend on January 28, 2022, and were found in Coahuila, Mexico.

According to court documents, Flores Jr. moved to Fort Stockton about two years ago and on January 4, 2022, withdrew his daughter from school.

Flores Jr.’s phone was cut off due to nonpayment on January 26 and the next day informed his employer he would not be at work.

On January 28, 2022, Flores Jr. truck was seen and recorded entering Big Bend National Park close to Persimmon Gap. Special agents said the area Flores’ truck was in is often used by undocumented immigrants to illegally enter the United States.

Park authorities found Flores’ truck abandoned at Big Bend with personal belongings inside along with personal documents and other items like clothing and toys in the area around the truck.

Also found were locks of the daughter’s hair that had been cut.

The two were seen on the Mexico side of the Rio Grande River on February 13, 2022 and were found by Mexican authorities on Valentine’s Day.

Neither Flores or his daughter had proper documentation to be in Mexico and were taken into custody. Hector Flores was separated from his daughter as she was taken by Child Protective Services.

The daughter told Park Rangers that she had not eaten in 4 days according to the affidavit.

Federal charges were brought against Hector Flores Jr. due to a National Park being involved.

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