Illegal Alien Invasion Engulfing the Concho Valley


SAN ANGELO, TX – Over the past weekend law enforcement across the Concho Valley have been dealing with the surge of illegal aliens.

As previously reported over the past weekend the Sutton County Sheriff's Office captured a number of illegals who were drunk and driving in Sonora. For the original story see: Drunk Illegal Aliens Captured in Sonora

More invaders were arrested on Monday night. According to the SCSO at around 9:30 p.m. deputies with the Sutton County Sheriff's Office assisted DPS Troopers in a pursuit of a Chevrolet Silverado that was failing to stop on Highway 277 South of Sonora NB from Edward's County.

Deputies spiked the tires on the fleeing vehicle 8 miles South of Sonora ending the pursuit & resulting in a bailout. All subjects who fled were located & detained. Eight illegal aliens were detained and turned over to Border Patrol and the driver, who is a US citizen, was arrested and taken to the Edwards County Jail where the pursuit initiated.

While all of this was going on in the southern part of the Concho Valley, law enforcement officers were also dealing with the surge to the east.

In a radio interview with KNEL in Brady,  McCulloch County Sheriff Matt Andrews said that over the weekend the MCSO dealt with two separate groups of illegal aliens.

The first group was found during a routine traffic stop. This discovery led the sheriff deputies to four illegal aliens. The second group was stopped on Highway 87 for speeding. During the stop four illegal aliens were found. The sheriff told the station that the driver of the second group was arrested for human smuggling after they learned he was paid to transport them through the area.

During the interview Sheriff Andrews said local officials have felt certain that activity involving recent illegals would spread into this area.

Also over the weekend border patrol apprehended over 700 illegals aliens. For more see: Border Agents Arrest Over 700 Illegal Alien Invaders Over the Weekend

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CGM5, Tue, 07/20/2021 - 16:40

Don't forget joe biden has made all of this happen. If our local halfwit liberal decides to comment after me, he usually posts a statement I once made (CGM5 says it started under Trump). That isn't even the complete sentence of what I wrote let alone within the context of what I was stating, but, this is all he's got so he does it over and over. If he repeats himself again, please click on the link so you can see the truth and not what he is trying to make you believe.  

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