Illegal Alien Invaders Nabbed in Grain Hopper Railcars Again


LAREDO, TX – Agents from the Cotulla Station, with the assistance of the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), prevented illegal alien invaders from using grain hopper railcars to further their entry into the United States.

During the early morning of July 13, agents were conducting a train inspection south of Cotulla and discovered several illegal alien invaders attempting to conceal themselves between the box cars.  With the assistance of DPS, 17 invaders from the countries of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico were apprehended.  One alien unaccompanied child was found among the group.  The child was separated from the group for safety reasons, all were medically evaluated and cleared for processing.

This dangerous method of traveling further into the United States after illegal entry is strongly discouraged as it often results in serious injury or death.  Many times, illegal aliens choose this grueling method of transportation without realizing the consequences of their actions until it is too late.  Fortunately, in this case, agents detected the individuals and were able to apprehend them before any fell victim to a heat related injury.

For anyone who is thinking of entering the United States illegally along the southern border, the message is simple: DON’T DO IT.

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CGM5, Thu, 07/15/2021 - 16:22

Don't forget joe biden has made all of this happen. If our local halfwit liberal decides to comment after me, he usually posts a statement I once made (CGM5 says it started under Trump). That isn't even the complete sentence of what I wrote let alone within the context of what I was stating, but, this is all he's got so he does it over and over. If he repeats himself again, please click on the link so you can see the truth and not what he is trying to make you believe.  

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