Rideshare Driver Charged with Lewd Assault


AUSTIN,TX – A rideshare driver in Austin has been arrested and charged with sexual assault.

Ololade Shoetan, 41, allegedly sexually assaulted a woman when he was taking her to work.

According to an affidavit released by the Travis County Sheriff’s Office, on June 11th, Shoetan picked the woman up, made small talk, pulled over before arriving at the destination, and assaulted her.

Shoetan asked the woman several times to sit in the front passenger seat and remove her facemask. She ended up complying with his request because she feared him. Shoetan intimidated her by staring at her in the rear view mirror and by his tone when he spoke.

She moved to the front seat and that is where the assault occurred. Coworkers called the woman as she was late to work but Shoetan took her phone away from her.

Shoetan took the woman to work after he assaulted her and the police were called.

After the incident, the woman said she received two phone calls from someone she believes was Shoetan and said her mother has also received two phone calls as well. Her mother’s phone number is on her rideshare account.

She also believes Shoetan knows what apartment she lives in. When he parked, he angled his vehicle to be able to see where she lived exactly. 

Ololade Shoetan was arrested and bonded out of the Travis County Jail. It is unknown if Shoetan is still a driver for the rideshare company.

Ololade Shoetan

Ololade Shoetan (Contributed: KXAN)

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