Gov. Abbott Calls for Jailers to Assist Border Patrol


AUSTIN, TX – Governor Greg Abbott issued a statewide call Friday for jailers across the state to assist border sheriffs with operating detention facilities and providing jail beds for those arrested for state charges related to the border crisis. The state is seeking jailers with supervisory and release experience, trained booking officers with TLETS/AFIS experience, and current or former jailers who were honorably discharged within the last two years.

Sheriffs and jailers who wish to answer this statewide call should contact the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement at [email protected]

"The State of Texas will not tolerate criminal activity, which is why we are stepping up to address this crisis in the Biden Administration's absence," said Governor Abbott. "Part of our comprehensive efforts to secure the border include enforcing all state and federal laws, which is why we are calling on jailers and sheriffs across the state to volunteer support for our border sheriffs. Working together, we will secure the border and keep our communities safe." 

During the Governor's Border Security Summit in Del Rio in mid-June, the Governor announced that individuals who commit criminal trespass will be subject to arrest and confinement. This order builds upon the Governor's disaster declaration that directs the Texas Department of Public Safety to enforce all federal and state criminal laws for criminal trespassing, illegal entry, smuggling, and human trafficking. The declaration also directed the Texas Commission on Jail Standards and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to work with counties included in the declaration to establish alternative detention facilities to ensure enough jail capacity for illegal aliens who are arrested for criminal activities such as trespassing. The state is surging resources into border communities to make arrests and to help set up and maintain extra jail space. 

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