Odessa Police Confirm Officer Involved Shooting


ODESSA, TX – The Odessa Police Department has confirmed a stolen vehicle investigation resulted in an officer-involved shooting.

According to OPD, officers were in the 200 block of E. 37th St. investigating a stolen vehicle at approximately 2:39 a.m.

While officers were at the scene, the officers observed the stolen vehicle exit through a garage door.

The driver struck a vehicle and grazed an officer. Officers then fired their duty weapons as the driver fled the scene.

As the driver fled, the vehicle struck an additional vehicle at the intersection of E. 42nd St. and Andrews Hwy. 

Sometime later officers located the vehicle in north Odessa.

No information has been released at this time confirming if the driver was injured in the shooting.

The Texas Rangers will be taking over the officer involved shooting.

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