Company to Reimburse Midland County for Embezzled Funds


MIDLAND, TX -- Midland County Judge Terry Johnson announced on Tuesday the county has entered an agreement with Vector Fleet Management to be reimbursed for the $1.6 million in taxpayer funds that were embezzled by the company.

Last year county auditors discovered Vector Fleet Management had submitted fraudulent invoices to Midland County for at least three years. During the subsequent investigation authorities discovered John Warren, his wife Cynthia, and their son Justin had been involved in the conspiracy and benefited from the fraudulent profits.

According to Vector Fleet Management, Warren charged  $1,319,588.88 to false companies on a company credit card.

“I am pleased to announce that yesterday, the Commissioner’s Court approved an agreement with Vector Fleet Management that will make us whole for all the documented losses incurred because of Mr. Warren,” stated Judge Johnson in a release, “I want to thank Vector for their full cooperation with our investigation, as they too were victimized by Mr. Warren’s crimes.”

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