Veteran Teacher Arrested After Having Relationship with Student


ODESSA, TX -- An Ector County ISD teacher was arrested after starting a relationship with an underage student.

According to the district, two former students of Odessa Collegiate Academy told school officials William Boone had an improper relationship with a student during the spring semester.

Boone had been teaching at ECISD since August of 2020.

Bone was placed on administrative leave and was arrested on Tuesday.

He was charged with Improper Relationship Between an Educator and Student. This is a second-degree felony.

"This is extremely disturbing," said ECISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Scott Muri. "We are angry. Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated. As a school district, we have taken steps to combat this. We require sexual harassment training each year, and this training includes very clear warnings of the consequences for employee-student relationships. There is no excuse for our employees to misunderstand the seriousness of these actions. We want you, our staff, our parents and our community to know we will continue to do everything we can to prevent this behavior."

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