BAIRD, TX – The bad news for Chief Deputy Rick Jowers continues to pile up as he faces the backlash of misleading Callahan County constituents about his military record.
According to KTXS, Callahan County Sheriff Terry Joy stated: "Rick Jowers will not be returning as an employee of the Callahan County Sheriff's Office."
Jowers technically remains employed by the county, but he is only collecting a check for vacation and holiday pay. His county vehicle was taken away and remains in the sheriff’s office parking lot.
Callahan County District Attorney Shane Deel told local media that both Foley's and Jower's cases are being reviewed for possible dismissal. One of Jower's cases has already been dismissed.
The D.A. also confirmed that the Texas Rangers have begun an investigation into both men.
On Tuesday, Jowers announced he would withdraw from the general election if he won the primary and allow party leadership to nominate another candidate. Leroy Foley, Jowers‘s competition, resigned from the Clyde Police Department several days ago after being placed on administrative leave for also misleading the public about his military record. According to Callahan County Republican Party Chairman, Foley has stated he will also withdraw from the general election if he wins the primary.
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