BALLINGER, TX - According to Runnels County Sheriff's Office Chad Alan Reitmeyer was arrested in Kansas City, Kansas on Dec. 20. Reitmeyer has been charged with four different counts of sexual assault in Texas.
The investigation into Reitmeyer began in July of 2019 after the Runnels County Sheriff's Office received information about a child who had possibly been sexually assaulted over an unknown period of time. As deputies began their investigation, they realized that evidence in existence could possibly be found on computer equipment and social media sites.
By enlisting the help of the Texas Rangers, the sheriff's office was able to secure a search warrant for computer equipment, cellular phones, and social media sites.
The evidence and information discovered provided authorities with probable cause to issue the following arrest warrants:
- Prohibited sexual conduct, 3rd-degree felony - $75,000.00 bond
- Sexual Assault of a young child, 1st-degree felony - $100,000.00 bond
- Sexual Assault, first-degree felony - $100,000.00 bond
- Aggravated Sexual Assault, first-degree felony - $100,000.00 bond
Reitmeyer is currently in the Runnels County jail on the above-listed charges.
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