Landowner Arrested After Allegedly Stealing Cattle from Lessee


HEXT, TX – A 41-year-old woman was arrested and indicted this month for allegedly stealing cattle and selling them at auction. 

According to the Morning Ag Clips, on Nov. 8, a Mason County grand jury indicted Margaret Guidry for felony theft of livestock. 

The indictment came after an investigation by the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association. 

The investigation revealed that Guidry owned property in Menard Co. and leased it to an individual for livestock grazing. 

After falling behind on payments, Guidry allegedly stole nine head of cattle from the lessee and sold them at a livestock auction in Mason. 

The approximate total received was nearly $5,500. 

After hearing of the rumors, Guidry told officials that she would turn herself in on Nov. 6 but three days prior a dispute between neighbors led to her arrest. The deputies arrested Guidry that day for an outstanding warning and she was booked into the Mason County Jail. 

Guidry admitted to selling the cattle even though they did not belong to her. She alleged they were taken because the victim had fallen behind on payments for the lease, but had no lease or contract to substantiate her claim to the cattle.

She was officially charged with the theft of livestock on December 3. If convicted, Guidry could face up to 10 years in prison, fines of up to $10,000 and restitution to the victim.

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Wabo73, Thu, 12/12/2019 - 12:27

So guy was behind on owing money so owner of land sold cattle for payment how is that stealing ? Your cows on lease and you don’t pay guess what you start loosing cows. No charges should be on her she did nothing wrong Guy better look for a new place after lady sues him he won’t have ANY cows

CGM5, Thu, 12/12/2019 - 15:26

I agree with Wabo73. Fall behind payments on a store room and see what happens.

So you guys think it would be ok if Ford Motor Co came to your house, took some of your guns and jewelry to cover the auto payments you were late paying? What she did was self-help, a big faux pas, unless a written lease provided her with cattle to sell in the event of non-payment of the lease.
That's what courts are supposed to do.

CGM5, Fri, 12/13/2019 - 19:46

No, not my jewelry but, I have zero doubt they would hesitate taking the car. Then you would have months of harassing phone calls and threatening letters and finally your credit would be destroyed. However, I don't think they would come after my jewelry.

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