DEL RIO, TX – U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the Del Rio Station have seen a recent increase of illegal aliens from the continent of Africa.
Last week, Del Rio Station apprehended 56 migrants from countries on the continent of Africa, including Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congo, Guinea, and Sierra Leone.
Agents have apprehended approximately 300 immigrants from 11 countries in Africa during Fiscal Year 2020, which began Oct. 1. During FY 2019, Del Rio Sector agents apprehended a total of 1,211 subjects from the continent of Africa, representing 19 nations.
“During last summer, Del Rio Sector experienced an increase in arrests of people from countries in Africa,” said Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz. “These arrests decreased beginning in about August, but starting this fiscal year we have seen a resurgence in this demographic.
“Those who wish to enter the United States should do so through a Port of Entry, rather than put their families in the hands of smugglers and through the treacherous Rio Grande River. Not only are they traveling great distances but the danger they face crossing the border could lead to a deadly outcome.”
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