SAN ANGELO, TX — More than one person burglarized Stango’s Coffee Shop overnight, Steve Stango, proprietor announced late Friday afternoon. This morning he publicized a video and a still image of a video screen capture depicting a teen male that Stango said was likely the culprit who emptied Stango’s cash register.
The publicity was too much and the culprit emerged.
Stango said the teen seen on video surveillance stealing cash from the store’s register overnight turned himself in. Stango promised that if the teen did so, no charges would be filed by Stango.
“The young man did the right thing and came in to return what was taken from our store. We want to thank him for doing the right thing and taking responsibility,” Stango posted on Facebook.
At around 4:30 p.m., Stango announced his review of additional video surveillance footage from last night has uncovered two, maybe three, more teen male cash register thieves. Clearly the self-conscious and admitted perpetrator didn’t act alone!
Stango published a second video with the additional two teens, maybe three, plundering the store in what is emerging as the case of the Stango’s Coffee Shop crime gang. Watch it here:
“Sadly the culprit last night also had friends who helped in a second robbery at Stango’s. If you can recognize any of these kids please let us know,” Stango said.
Next door merchant Lifted Smoke and Vape owner Branche Vancourt said their burglar alarm sounded after their shop closed last night. He wondered if the same crime ring set it off?
Stango said he is installing more security cameras. He also said that he doesn’t lock the cash register overnight because if he did, and a burglar came to take the cash out of the register, the burglar would then be forced to smash the register open, and adding to the cost of his pain from crime the price of a new register.
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If he didn't want to file charges on the first one but now has discovered more actors and wants police help now, I hope they told him to go outside and kick rocks up the road. If he's smart enough to leave the register open but stupid enough to leave money inside it, I'd say he got what he deserves and the value of the loss is the cost of his lesson taught to him......
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