Suspect Bites Officer After Being Arrested for Walking with Traffic


SAN ANGELO, TX -- A man was arrested yesterday for allegedly biting an officer. 

According to the SAPD, on November 25, the San Angelo Police Department were dispatched to the Houston Harte Expressway for the report of criminal mischief. 

Police say that the call was due to a man who had struck a car on the 2300 block and was walking down the expressway. 

Officers quickly responded and arrested Donovan Perrett, 28, at the 4300 block of the Houston Harte. 

Once Perrett arrived at the jail he began irate and resisted jail staff. He eventually bit one of the officers resulting in jail staff to place Perrett in a restraint chair. 

He is charged with walking with traffic and assault to a public servant. He is currently in the Tom Green County Jail and his bond is set at $15,260. 


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