Two Charged in Recent Kidnapping Face More Charges Including Kidnapping Teen


SAN ANGELO, TX -- Two men that were charged in the recent kidnapping now face additional charges after Police find an additional victim. 

As previously reported, on October 14, the San Angelo Police Department arrested three men for allegedly kidnapping, beating, and forced 24 Sarina Orona to break into a house. Now two of those men are facing additional charges. 

According to the San Angelo Police Department, as a result of an ongoing investigation, Detectives with the Department’s Criminal Investigations Division developed probable cause to charge 17-year-old Luis Duron and 24-year-old Joshua Gonzalez with an additional charge of Aggravated Kidnapping.

The pair is accused of kidnapping a male juvenile after the teen allegedly engaged in a verbal altercation with Gonzalez at a house party on Evelyn Street earlier this month. During the altercation, Gonzalez reportedly struck the teen in the head with a deadly weapon and later repeatedly assaulted and threatened the teen with his life while the teen was being held against his will.

During his captivity, the teen was forced to contact a family member to “check-in” in order to avoid suspicion about his whereabouts. Investigators determined the teen was restrained in the same fashion and at the same time as the pair’s other victim, Sabrina Orona. The teen eventually fled the house two days later.

The investigation is ongoing.

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