Man Arrested for Stealing from Jewelry Store; Found to be Linked with Other Thefts


SAN ANGELO, TX -- A man was arrested on Monday for burglary of a jewelry store and then police found out he also burglarized a bridal boutique and a Dollar General. 

On May 20, the San Angelo Police Department arrested Gabriel Ramirez, 20, on two warrant for the burglary of the Jewelry Doctor. Police went to the 200 block of Glenna and arrested Ramirez with no incident. While inside they found the jewelry that was stolen. 

Detectives with the Crime Investigators Division interview Ramirez and found that he had also did two other burglaries at the Bridal Boutique and the Dollar General on the 1500 block of Freeland Ave. 

Ramirez was charged with Burglary of a building, a class c theft, and two MISC FTA. He is currently in the Tom Green County Jail on a $1,488 bond but additional charges may be pending.


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