WATCH: Border Patrol Saves 17-Year-Old Honduran Girl from Drowning in the Rio Grande


Eagle Pass, TX  – U.S. Border Patrol agents saved a 17-year-old Hondurian from drowning on April 8 in the Rio Grande.  

On April 8, a detective from the Eagle Pass Police Department supporting Operation Stonegarden saw a young girl in distress struggling to stay afloat in the river and going underwater. The detective notified Border Patrol marine agents who quickly responded in their airboat, located the girl, and pulled her out of the water and on to the boat. The girl was distraught from the ordeal but unharmed.

"This incident serves as a reminder of the danger of crossing the border illegally," said the Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul Ortiz. "If not for the vigilance of our Eagle Pass Police Department partners and the quick response by our Border Patrol agents, this incident could have ended tragically with this young girl drowning."  

The juvenile was transported to Fort Duncan Medical Center for an evaluation, released, and reunited with her mother who crossed the river earlier without incident. Both were processed per CBP guidelines.

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