17-Year-Old Dies After Fight at High School


MIDLAND, TX -- A 17-year-old male student of Midland Lee High School has died after an altercation with another student on Friday. 

No names have been released yet, but Sgt. David Scardino of the Midland Police Department says both students were 17-year-old males.

He adds that no weapons were used and that it is not suspected that gang activity was a reason for the fight. Precinct 2 Justice of the Peace David M. Cobos has ordered an autopsy. 

One male student was taken to Midland Memorial Hospital where he was later taken off life-support and died, according to Midland County District Attorney Teresa Clingman.

This student was alleged to be the aggressor of the fight and that the other student was defending himself. 

Sgt. Scardino also reports that the fight started sometime during 6th period somewhere between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. and took place inside the school but away from the classroom area. 

Midland Police Department and Midland Independent School District are still gathering information on the death and altercation. 

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